“Healing is impossible in loneliness; it is the opposite of loneliness. Conviviality is healing. To be healed we must come with all the other creatures to the feast of Creation.”
The HWW Community Gospel
Surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you. Use them to hold you accountable, a hedge against backsliding into unconscious, unhealthy behaviors.
Cultivate your personal and professional network like you would tend a vegetable or flower garden, pruning and re-planting as required.
Find mentors who can help you grow; make yourself available to apprentices who want to learn from you.
Spend more time thinking about the value you bring to your community than the value you get out of it.
Make sure your friends and family know how much you love them. Don't keep them guessing.
Notes from the HWW Community Journal
I learned many important things from my father. Some of them he taught me.
Surround yourself with people that bring out the best in you.
Don’t forget that you are fundamentally a biological organism in a vast natural world, with its own timeless rhythms and laws. Immerse yourself in nature regularly to get back in touch with this essential part of your being
Surrounding ourselves with people that call forth the best in us can serve as a hedge against backsliding into unconscious (not mindful) behaviors. Also, loneliness can be just as bad for you as a poor diet
In September of 2013 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. This is the story of how within two years I chased my cancer into remission using only natural, non-invasive lifestyle interventions.
Get your mind out of the gutter.