“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
The HWW Nutrition Gospel
Feed your body high quality fuel and it will answer the call for years to come.
Make conscious, informed decisions about everything you eat and drink.
Be relentlessly curious about how different foods impact you. Experiment with what, how much and when to eat.
Don't fall for diets. Nutrition is lifelong, not for a couple weeks.
Don't give in to cravings (except for dark chocolate).
Take responsibility for your nutrition. Don't depend on anyone else.
Track your nutrition-related data.
Eat for your health, not your feelings.
Notes from the HWW Nutrition Journal
Diet is the oldest and still most powerful health intervention we have.
You need less food than you think.
Fasting is the oldest dietary intervention in the world.
Choose growth over perfection; choose becoming over being.
You can’t improve what you can’t measure!
A whole-food, plant-based diet is full of disease-fighting vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, many of which give fruits and vegetables their color
Food can make you sick or it can heal you. Learn which foods fall into either category, and why. Then eat mindfully; is what you’re eating protecting you or hurting you? Don’t know? Then find out; it’s important!
How long are you going to wait?