The HWW Journal
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Everything Is Changing All Around Us, All The Time
Train yourself to lean into change. Become more resilient.
11 Reasons to Adopt a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet
Diet is the oldest and still most powerful health intervention we have.
Your Insatiable Need for Comfort is Killing You
Comfort is a choice. Make sure you understand the cost of that choice.
The Colors of the Food Rainbow
A whole-food, plant-based diet is full of disease-fighting vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, many of which give fruits and vegetables their color
HWW Life Practice #1: Nutrition
Food can make you sick or it can heal you. Learn which foods fall into either category, and why. Then eat mindfully; is what you’re eating protecting you or hurting you? Don’t know? Then find out; it’s important!