The HWW Journal
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11 Reasons To Start Doing Yoga Now
When was the last time you were able to touch your toes?
I Breathe, Therefore I Am (A Meditation)
You will take about 517,345,920 breaths in your lifetime. How many of them will you notice?
That Which Does Not Kill Me, Makes Me Stronger
My cancer diagnosis left me bereft and terrified. In time I would come to see it as a blessing. Life's funny that way.
The Mindset is the Ultimate Hack
Discovering the why is always the beginning of the Health Warrior Way journey. Before we make any changes we have to understand what these changes are in service to
HWW Life Practice #3: Mindfulness
Mindfulness keeps us anchored in the present and reminds us of what’s important so we’re not buffeted this way or that by forces outside of our control. Staying present helps prevent us from obsessing about a past we can’t change or a future that we can’t control