The HWW Journal
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HWW Life Practice #8: Purpose
Find and relentlessly pursue your purpose, the thing that stirs your soul, fills your life with meaning and makes you look forward to getting out of bed in the morning
HWW Life Practice #7: Nature Connection
Don’t forget that you are fundamentally a biological organism in a vast natural world, with its own timeless rhythms and laws. Immerse yourself in nature regularly to get back in touch with this essential part of your being
HWW Life Practice #6: Community
Surrounding ourselves with people that call forth the best in us can serve as a hedge against backsliding into unconscious (not mindful) behaviors. Also, loneliness can be just as bad for you as a poor diet
HWW Life Practice #5: Love
An open heart helps us to accept whatever comes our way – including a cancer diagnosis – with equanimity, a learning opportunity, a chance to grow in unexpected ways. This posture toward life helps us make the best of any situation, no matter how bad it may seem
HWW Life Practice #4: Curiosity
Our brain needs new challenges to keep it elastic, vital and growing to better stave off the onset of age-related cognitive decline. There’s a great, big, fascinating world out there; pick something you’re interested in and learn everything you can about it!
HWW Life Practice #3: Mindfulness
Mindfulness keeps us anchored in the present and reminds us of what’s important so we’re not buffeted this way or that by forces outside of our control. Staying present helps prevent us from obsessing about a past we can’t change or a future that we can’t control
HWW Life Practice #2: Movement
Public health organizations all agree: we need at least 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity activity (brisk walking, yoga) or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity (running, chopping wood) to age with vigor and resilience. These are conservative guidelines; the more you move the better off you’ll be!
HWW Life Practice #1: Nutrition
Food can make you sick or it can heal you. Learn which foods fall into either category, and why. Then eat mindfully; is what you’re eating protecting you or hurting you? Don’t know? Then find out; it’s important!
The Health Warrior Way
The Health Warrior Way is an educational and learning system for people ready to take radical self-ownership of their health and well-being
My Journey to Wellness (short version)
In September of 2013 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. This is the story of how within two years I chased my cancer into remission using only natural, non-invasive lifestyle interventions.
My Journey to Wellness (long version)
In September of 2013 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. This is the story of how within two years I chased my cancer into remission using only natural, non-invasive lifestyle interventions.